
GLC XIV: Community Engagement

Fri, 02 Dec 2016 18:30 - 21:30 JST

Wesley Center

Wesley Center 301, 6-10-11, Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062


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¥2,500 prepaid / ¥3,000 at the door
Beverages will be provided


GLC XIV: Community Engagement, December, 2nd 6:30-9:30pm at the Wesley Center
Save the date!

We are looking forward to discussing how our engagement impacts communities and the world around us. Given the fast-changing chaotic world we live in today, understanding how to enhance engagement seems more important now than ever. In fact, it might just be the skill we need in all the communities we work and live.

Please join us and discover how to nurture engagement as a leadership quality!

For questions or directions call 080-3355-0235.

"Small acts when multiplied by millions of people can transform the world"
Howard Zinn

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GLC Community

GLC Community

The GLC Community is a dynamic group of individuals exploring distributed leadership and new methodologies of collaboration and conversation in service of an evolved society. In order to progress a...

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